Pelita Hati School Midterm Report Cards 2020

November 8, 2020, 8:11 pm - Admin - News

Pelita Hati School distributes mid-semester report cards for the ECP, Kindergarten, Secondary, and High School levels. The distribution of midterm report cards this year is different from previous years. Previously, midterm report cards were given to the parents directly at school. As we know, the pandemic has changed the way we live, including in the aspect of education. This year, student reports were delivered directly to individual students’ homes and online. This is proof of our commitment to cutting the spread of the Covid-19 virus. Also proof that we are committed to always providing professional educational services for our students.

The distribution of report cards for the ECP and Kindergarten levels was held on Thursday, September 24th and Friday, September 25th 2020. The distribution of report cards was delivered directly by our teachers to the homes of each student. In this activity, our teachers conveyed the student’s academic progress after half semester of study to their parents. On this occasion also, parents can consult with the homeroom teacher about aspects that need to be improved by students.

Meanwhile, the distribution of report cards for the Secondary & High School level was held on Friday, September 25th 2020. The distribution of report cards was carried out online. Report cards are shared via Whatsapp with the parents. Teachers send files in PDF format accompanied by a password to maintain data security. Not only sharing the report cards online, we also conduct consultations with student’s parents. Consultations between teachers and parents are carried out via Zoom and Whatsapp Video Call.

The activities of distributing student academic report cards carried out by Pelita Hati School only changed ways. It used to be done face-to-face at school, now it is done at each student’s house. Consultations between teachers and parents of students are also running properly. For the parents of students, it is expected to always monitor and support the development of our child’s achievement. Together we make our children become children who excel and are proud.

Have you received your academic report card? Let’s make this moment to seriously evaluate the progress of our academic achievement, better days are coming!